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10 Ways to Keep Your Home Clean and Tidy

Keeping your home clean is achievable with consistent effort and the right strategies in place. When we’re busy, it can be tempting to take shortcuts, especially when it comes to our homes. But cutting corners is not a good habit.

Your home should be a place of pride, a place you look forward to returning to after a hectic day. And that won’t happen if your house is a mess!

If you always find yourself staring at a pile of dirty clothes, a stack of mess on your table, things scattered all over the place, dishes piled up by the sink, and empty toiletries scattered around, then your case is really bad. However, with the right approach and a bit of consistency, you can create a welcoming and clean home that you’ll love to come back to every day.

In this blog, we will explore practical tips and strategies tailored to help you keep your home clean effortlessly.

1. Establishing a Cleaning Routine, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Tasks

Keeping your home clean starts with establishing a regular cleaning routine. Start by identifying daily, weekly, and monthly tasks that need to be done. Daily tasks may include sweeping or vacuuming high-traffic areas, wiping down kitchen counters, and making beds. Weekly tasks can include mopping floors, dusting surfaces, and changing bed linens. Monthly tasks may involve deep cleaning tasks like cleaning windows, washing curtains, and organizing closets.

How to make a cleaning Routine

Creating a cleaning routine for your home is important to stay organised and keep your home clean. Here’s how you can make a good cleaning timetable:

  • List Important Chores: Write down all the important chores you need to do regularly to keep your home clean. This includes things like sweeping, washing dishes, and cleaning the bathroom. Put this list where you can see it easily, like on your fridge or desk.
  • Divide Tasks by Time: Split your chores into things you do every day, things you do once a week, and things you do once a month. Daily tasks could be things like making your bed and washing dishes. Weekly tasks might include sweeping and cleaning the bathroom. Monthly tasks could be organizing closets and deep cleaning.
  • Set Specific Days: Choose specific days for each type of task. For example, you can decide to do laundry on Mondays, clean the bathroom on Wednesdays, and deep clean on Saturdays. Having set days helps you stay on track.
  • Be Realistic: Consider how much time you have each day or week for cleaning. Don’t plan too many tasks that you can’t finish. It’s okay to adjust your schedule if needed.
  • Stay Flexible: Sometimes things come up, and you may miss a cleaning day. Try to catch up when you can without stressing too much.
  • Keep it Consistent: Stick to your cleaning schedule as much as possible. Consistency helps keep your home clean without too much effort.

2. Put Everything Away After Use

As you move around your house, take a quick look around to see if there’s anything you can pick up and put back in its right place. Make an effort to always return things to their proper places after using them. It’s common to leave shoes by the front door, clothes on the bed, or dishes in the sink for later. But keep in mind that if you continue to leave them there, they can grow into a big mess.

3. Simplify Your Living Space

Having too many items can make even the cleanest home appear messy. Implement decluttering strategies by regularly going through your belongings and getting rid of items you no longer need or use. Donate or sell items that are in good condition but no longer serve a purpose in your home. Keep surfaces clear and organised to create a more spacious and inviting environment.

Also try not to keep things because of guilt. For example Your best friend has given you another not-so-great gift for your birthday, adding to the collection of odd decorations, unattractive sweaters, and that DVD you never wanted. Don’t feel bad; the gift-giving moment is over, and chances are she won’t even recall what she gave you. Take it to a charity shop and free yourself from the never-ending clutter.

4. Invest in Storage Solutions and Labels

Invest in storage solutions such as bins, baskets, and shelves to help keep items organised. Use labels to clearly mark where things belong, making it easier for everyone in the household to maintain order. Create designated storage areas for specific categories such as books, toys, kitchen gadgets, and clothing to minimise things been visible in the open.

These storage spaces are sometimes overlooked, they work like magic helping you manage space.

5. There are Must-Have Products for Every Room

Stock up on essential cleaning supplies to tackle different areas of your home effectively. Some must-have products include all-purpose cleaners, microfiber cloths, sponges, a vacuum cleaner, a mop, garbage bags, bleach. Consider using eco-friendly cleaning products to reduce your environmental impact.

6. Always Lookout for Time-Saving Tips and Tricks

Always look for ways to optimise your cleaning routine by using efficient tricks. Check Instagram, YouTube, TikTok for cleaning tricks and some easy hacks like start cleaning from the top down, dusting ceiling fans and light fixtures before moving to lower surfaces.

Use a timer to stay focused and set achievable goals for each cleaning session. Delegate tasks among household members to share the workload and save time.

7. Make Room-Specific Cleaning Guidelines

To keep your home clean, each room in your home requires specific cleaning attention. In the kitchen, focus on keeping countertops, appliances, and sinks clean and sanitised. In bathrooms, pay attention to scrubbing surfaces, cleaning toilets, and replacing towels regularly. Bedrooms should have tidy beds, organised closets, and dust-free surfaces. Living areas can benefit from regular vacuuming, dusting, and decluttering.


Keeping your bathroom clean regularly is important because it gets used every day, leading to various messes like toothpaste spills, mirror stains, wet floors, and shower grime. It’s easier to clean up small messes right away than waiting for a bigger mess to build up later. Here’s how you can maintain a clean bathroom on a regular basis:

  • Clean the Sink: Wipe down the sink daily to remove toothpaste residue, soap scum, and water spots. Use a mild cleaner and a cloth or sponge to keep it looking fresh.
  • Scrub the Shower, Tub, and Toilet: Clean the shower walls, bathtub, and toilet bowl weekly to prevent buildup of soap scum, mildew, and stains. Use an appropriate cleaner and a scrub brush to tackle tough spots.
  • Remove Mirror Spots: Keep your mirrors streak-free by using a glass cleaner or a mixture of vinegar and water. Wipe them down regularly to remove toothpaste splatters and fingerprints.
  • Mop the Floors: Don’t forget to mop the bathroom floors regularly, including the corners where dust and grime tend to accumulate. Use a suitable floor cleaner and focus on high-traffic areas.
  • Dust Shelves and Disinfect Surfaces: Dust shelves, countertops, and other surfaces in your bathroom to prevent dust buildup. Use a disinfectant spray or wipes to kill germs and bacteria on frequently touched surfaces like doorknobs and light switches.


To keep your home clean, keeping your bedroom clean is essential for a peaceful and relaxing environment. Here are simple steps to help you maintain a tidy bedroom on a daily basis:

  • Make Your Bed: Start your day by making your bed. This simple task instantly makes your room look neater and sets a positive tone for the day.
  • Fold Blankets and Throws: After using blankets or throws, fold them neatly and place them back where they belong. This prevents clutter and keeps your space organised.
  • Put Away Clutter: Take a few minutes each day to put away any clutter or items that are out of place. Use storage containers or baskets to keep things organised and easily accessible.
  • Dust and Disinfect Surfaces: Dust and disinfect your desks, nightstands, and shelves regularly to remove dust, germs, and allergens. This helps maintain a clean and healthy environment.
  • Vacuum Floors and Rugs: Vacuum your bedroom floor and area rugs to remove dust, dirt, and debris. Pay attention to corners and under furniture where dust tends to accumulate.
  • Keep Bed Sheets Clean: Change your bed sheets and linens regularly to keep them fresh and hygienic. Having a spare set of linens stored conveniently makes it easier to switch them out when needed.


Keeping your home clean requires you to keep your kitchen clean on a daily basis is vital for a tidy and welcoming home. Here are some simple tips to help you maintain a clean kitchen effortlessly:

  • Empty Sink, Happy Kitchen: Make it a habit to always put away dishes after use. Keep one side of your sink filled with water and dish detergent throughout the day. This makes it easier to soak and clean dishes before washing them or loading them into the dishwasher.
  • Sparkling Countertops: Regularly clean and disinfect your countertops to keep them free from germs and dirt. Wipe down spills and crumbs immediately to maintain a tidy surface.
  • Organise Pantry and Fridge: Take a few minutes each day to organise your pantry and refrigerator. Dispose of expired items, arrange food neatly, and keep things in order to avoid clutter.
  • Floor Maintenance: Sweep and mop your kitchen floor daily to remove dust, dirt, and spills. In a clean home, the floor not only looks better but also contributes to a hygienic environment.
  • Shine Appliances: Use a steel cleaner to polish and maintain the shine of your kitchen appliances. This helps prevent build-up and keeps your appliances looking new.

8. Deep Cleaning Strategies

Schedule deep cleaning sessions throughout the year to tackle areas that may not get regular attention. This can include cleaning behind appliances, washing windows, shampooing carpets, and organising storage spaces. Consider seasonal tasks such as cleaning gutters in the rainy season and servicing air conditioning units before the hot weather sets in.

9. Stain Removal Techniques for Handling Spills and Messes

Accidents happen, but knowing how to deal with stains can save your furniture and carpets. Keep stain removal products on hand and tackle spills promptly. Blot stains instead of rubbing to prevent spreading, and follow product instructions for best results. For tough stains, consider professional cleaning services.

10. Consistency and Persistence is What Is Needed to Maintain a clean home

Consistency is key to keeping your home clean. Stick to your cleaning schedule and encourage everyone in the household to participate. Celebrate participants and acknowledge efforts to keep the home tidy. Remember that a little effort each day goes a long way in preserving a clean and inviting living space.

Don’t be afraid to delegate tasks and responsibilities within your household. Assign age-appropriate chores to children and involve everyone in maintaining a clean environment. Consider creating a chore chart or schedule to keep track of tasks and ensure accountability.

Conclusion on How to Keep Your Home Clean

By implementing these practical tips and strategies, you can create a comfortable and welcoming environment for yourself and your loved ones and enhances your quality of life. Start implementing these tips today and enjoy the benefits of having your home clean and tidy!

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